Informatics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group
The mission of the Informatics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group (IIE-SIG) is to provide a collaborative platform for pediatric hematologist/oncologists with interests in healthcare technology, innovation, and entrepreneurial activities that meet the needs of pediatric hematology/oncology patients, clinicians, and the overall healthcare system.
The IIE-SIG will serve as a forum for those interested in the convergence of technology and medicine specifically in pediatric hematology/oncology. Domains such as informatics, data science analytics (Big Data), and digital health will be leveraged to create value for patient care. In addition, this SIG will also foster the development of innovative ideas towards translation and commercialization to improve the lives of children and adolescents with cancer and blood diseases.
Proposed Activity and Scientific Focus
1. To assess the needs of ASPHO members with interests in clinical/biomedical informatics, digital/mobile health (mHealth), smartphone medical app development, and implementation thereof, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
2. To create a networking and collaborative platform and pursue creative ideas involving application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in clinical care.
3. To provide educational and networking opportunities in these domains and to partner with other relevant societies that foster innovation and entrepreneurship in medicine
Charles Phillips, MD MSPH MBMI, Chair
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Wayne Liang, MD MS, Vice Chair
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Communication Tool
A discussion group in the ASPHO member community has been designated for members of the SIG to share information, documents, links and files. Members can join the SIG from their My Account Special Interest Groups account page. Current SIG members can access the community directly to participate.