Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Society's legal structure and mission?
The American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (the Society) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) entity created in 1981 and currently has more than 1,900 members. ASPHO is dedicated to promoting optimal care of children and adolescents with blood disorders and cancer by advancing research, education, treatment, and professional practice. ASPHO offers a forum for the exchange of ideas on issues of special interest and concern to people in the specialty, as well as a means for facilitating communication among members. ASPHO represents pediatric hematologists/oncologists through active liaisons with numerous professional societies and alliances. Both ASPHO's annual meeting and its journal, Pediatric Blood & Cancer, provide a forum for presenting research to colleagues and peers. ASPHO welcomes members' involvement in volunteer activities such as standing committees, task forces, and contributions to ASPHO E-News and the website.
ASPHO is the only professional organization dedicated solely to the professional development and interest of subspecialists in pediatric hematology/oncology.
What are the priorities of the Enriching the Future Campaign?
The focus of the campaign is to fund opportunities for professional development of ASPHO members. Two programs were initially developed, and as funding grows these may be expanded to benefit more members as well as to implement new innovative programs.
Learn more about the Clinician Educator Awards, and Travel Awards programs.
What is the timeline for the campaign?
The campaign began in 2015 and ASPHO continues to accept donations in hopes of sustaining the successful education programs into the future.
Who is leading the campaign?
The Development Committee consists of several ASPHO leaders who have partnered to direct the campaign its programs.
What is the difference between the campaign and general support?
ASPHO prepares an annual development plan and budget for fundraising activities from supporting organizations to support existing programs and supplement revenues from member dues and registration fees. However, this campaign is unique in that it will allow the development of new programs that do not currently have a funding source.
Who will benefit from the campaign?
Funding will be channeled toward programs to support members' professional development and career advancement. Through member surveys, ASPHO members recommended increasing investment in programs to support members' professional development at all career stages. Through such investments, pediatric hematologists/oncologists can be better equipped for maximum impact and success.
How will funds be distributed?
Funds will be allocated by program, with 60% for the clinician educator award and 40% for travel awards.
How can I help?
Everyone's support is welcome, whether through donations or in other ways. There will be many opportunities to provide time, talent, and treasure during the campaign process.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Please contact
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if you have any questions regarding Enriching the Future.
Are donation pledges supported?
The Society welcomes both one-time and recurring donations that allow you to contribute in smaller amounts over a 1- or 2-year period. You can indicate your preferences on our donation form.
How will my donation be recognized?
Donors are listed on the online acknowledgment webpage, at conference, in newsletters, and other campaign materials. Your donation may be designated to honor an individual of your choice. Donors may always remain anonymous if they desire.